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Healthcare Help

Get help to get healthcare coverage.

Medi-Cal Program

Medi-Cal, also known as Medicaid, provides medicaid coverage to low-income residents. This program services families, children, seniors, and adults with disabilities.

Affordable Care Act

Apply for affordable health coverage through Covered California during open enrollment which is yearly from November through December for coverage beginning January of the following year.

Medical Care Services

The county's Medical Care Services Program provides medical services to eligible adults between the age of 21 and 64 that are not eligible for services under Medi-Cal.

Healthcare for Veterans

Veterans can enroll to receive Veterans Administration (VA) hospital and outpatient care, with some group receiving prioritization.


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Not sure where to start in finding help that works for you? Dial 2-1-1 for live, 24/7 connections, 365 days a year.

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Text GETHELPPLACER or AYUDACOMUNITARIA (for Spanish) to 898211 to receive texts about local services, events and resources.