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Help For Veterans

Get help to enroll for the benefits you've earned.

Claims Assistance

The local Veterans Service Office provides assistance with any claim filed through it to the VA. We'd like to help you navigate towards the benefits you deserve, and see that you're not hindered by the process of applying.

Healthcare for Veterans

Veterans can enroll to receive Veterans Administration (VA) hospital and outpatient care, with some group receiving prioritization.


Pension is a benefit paid to wartime veterans who have limited or no income, and who are age 65 or older, or, if under 65, who are permanently and totally disabled. 

College Fee Waiver

This program benefits spouses and children of U.S. veterans. Students meeting the eligibility criteria may get their college tuition fees waived if they attend a California Community College, a California State University or a University of California campus. 

HUD-Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing

This is a housing voucher program for homeless veterans, combining the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for homeless veterans. 

Learn More  and call 1-833-3PLACER for housing screening.

211 Connecting Point is your trusted source for information and connections in Placer County.

Dial 2-1-1

Not sure where to start in finding help that works for you? Dial 2-1-1 for live, 24/7 connections, 365 days a year.

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