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Job Help

Get help to learn new job skills, find work and make ends meet in the meantime.


If you are an adult with dependent children, you may be eligible for CalWORKS support. This can include financial assistance to meet basic needs; and education, employment and training programs through Employment Services.

Get Hired! Workshop Series

This series offers about 10 free workshops per month, on topics such as: Resumes, Cover Letters, Interviewing Skills, Job Search, Job Retention, Financial Planning, Career Change, Introductory Computer Classes.

Learn More and Sign Up

Clean Slate Clinic

Would you like to have a fresh start with a clean criminal history record? This class series helps participants in removing or dismissing past convictions from their records.


211 Connecting Point is your trusted source for information and connections in Placer County.

Dial 2-1-1

Not sure where to start in finding help that works for you? Dial 2-1-1 for live, 24/7 connections, 365 days a year.

Sign up for text alerts

Text GETHELPPLACER or AYUDACOMUNITARIA (for Spanish) to 898211 to receive texts about local services, events and resources.